Friday, July 31, 2009

A Walk in the Park

Unlike most Friday mornings where i would usually sleep in for the day (since i have the day off), today i woke up "extra" early. Why extra early? because today is the day we will be going to the Auckland museum for the first time in....? well...a long time. Why the museum? because we had an epiphany yesterday (after weeks in denial): one of out major assessments would be semi due in the next week and we still haven't acquired any first hand research. Headache. Ouch.

But before that, we took a nice loooong walk pass the design building, through the archy block, along the OGGB, across the motorway and up the domain (and that's not including a 45min ride on the bus to the city center)
*Apologise in advance for the lack of detail in the captions. I'm hungry, so ill make this post a fast one ^ _______ ^*
OGGB aka the UoA business building

victorian house across the road from the OGGB
guess who?

street light in the Domain

some tree branches...some flowers...
tadaaaaa Auckland war memorial museum
museum ceiling

1866 street in Auckland exhibit

chocolate chess mmmmmmm but no. its not part of an exhibit. I wish it was though...

I would love to stay and chat guys but I have to help out in the kitchen now
until next time!
*Boom* a cloud of smoke [exit through the trap door]


  1. You shadow looks bald and I believe there is a pikachu on Keiti's (?) shoulder

  2. The reason why it took so long is... YOU STOP FOR BLOODY PHOTOS every 5 min!

    How asian of you

    ...LOVE IT!

  3. rofl theres a url to every picture. now thats commitment. but very nice work c-dawg.

  4. Oh yeah, and im guessing ur the one on the right and keiti is on left. dammit she really looks like a damn ninja. i dunno why

  5. YAY finali i can comment!
    srsly this thing is so screwed up it pms me so bad n no matter how many times i try i cant comment wen i want to 0o
    i love da snowdrop foto its gawgus :D pro foto skills wif a simple digi cam~ need thy guidance lol
    i will blog my share of it..... tmr. or soon.
    actuali its a totoro on my shoulder miserie :D and why da heck wud a silohuette like dat look like a ninja?

  6. that shadow just makes me imagine someone wearing a ninja headband with his/her hair tied back, seriously. or maybe coz ur dam skinny like a ninja. who knows
