Friday, October 23, 2009

D.I.Y. Felt Chocolates

Okay, I know this post is really late but I finally finished design and my portfolio. This is the birthday present I made to give to NP. Took me 4 hours to finish and I didn't get to go to bed until 2am!! Really proud of them... so cute~ XD!!! Cant eat them though... *drool...*

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Something Random

Walking down the street the other day, suddenly a tremendous force pulled my attention towards a bunch of promo posters plastered to the side of the path. This is what my eyes encountered.
Man, imagine that staring at you from a dark alley way in the middle of the night....Then i thought, why... doesn't that person look awfully like KT? Excluding the glasses, the earphones, the dark skin and the fact that it's a man... XD

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Life Drawing

Been on a mind blank but after Queen Leahs' command decide to post a post :D

~ Forgot where I saw this but omg that is so cute~ Housewarming pressie maybe? After I move into my brand spanking new studio design apartment with clapclap lights and beauty 'n' the beast-type library (full of manga) yea.... :D

~It's called wheel of fortune~ look up 'introvertevent' on deviant

Currently trying (but failing) to save up for a camera (and tablet and maybe-lightbox) but proving difficult with heavy wallet-bleed-out at the Gordon Harris and from my unsatible hunger for food food and more food. I keep saying to people I'm doing design, not art, because visual arts denote Vangogh-crazy-psychotic-cuttingOfTheEar-dieYoungAndPoor (Sorry Andrew LOL Jk).YET here I am spending a fortune on my paintbrushes, ink, dip-pens, artists soap and admiring allTooExpensive(butSparkly) watercolour solvents and that prettyButTotallyRipOff lightbox on the high shelves.
Speaking of art - to satisfy all your curiousities of lifedrawing (tis finally over btw)~ i give you a (tantilising) peek ;) nosebleeds at the ready Lisa and Nat.

~Was it disappointing? I apologise ~ heres more:
I hope you are all satisfied and will stop asking whether it looked/smelled/tasted good~